SQL Server I/O Best Practices

Read about the pre-deployment I/O best practices for SQL Server. This article discusses setting up you disk I/O using basic best practices to help verify a system is properly configured for best performance.


One of the key components that affect the performance of Microsoft® SQL Server is the I/O subsystem. When configuring a new server for SQL Server or when adding or modifying the disk configuration of an existing system it is good practice to determine the capacity of the I/O subsystem prior to deploying SQL Server.

This paper provides guidance for validating and determining the capacity of an I/O subsystem. A number of tools are available that can be used to perform this type of testing. The focus of this paper is on the SQLIO.exe tool. However, we will contrast and compare all of the available tools. Much of the information in this white paper is in the document that is included with the download of the SQLIO tool; however, this white paper includes updates to existing information and additional information, including basic I/O configuration best practices as related to SQL Server based on recent learnings.

You can read Mike Ruthruff’s full article here.

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