Microsoft Open-Source and Cross Platform Development

.Net Framework - SeniorDBA

The Microsoft .Net framework has been around for about 14 years. While C#, C++, VB.NET, and F# seem to be the most supported and used languages to build .NET applications, there are close to 50 languages that are supported by the .NET framework.

In 2014, Microsoft moved to open-source .NET by introducing .NET Core. Most of the .NET components (compilers, languages, libraries, and tools) are now open-source and available in Github.

The new open-source component of .NET is named .NET Corevand has even more developers embracing what Microsoft is doing with .NET and the associated programming languages. Microsoft has acquired Xamarin and its products so developers can now use C# to build Android, iOS, and Windows mobile apps.

Is now the time to seriously consider the Microsoft .Net framework for your development?

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